I am Damien Rozan, the passionate wine lover and dynamic entrepreneur behind VineIsrael. I have worked in the illustrious Australian wine industry, managing business accounts for the country’s leading wine producer and distributor. In doing so, I developed a comprehensive, nuanced understanding of wine – a passion that has brought me here today.

For me, wine is not just a drink, but a complex symphony of flavors, a testament to the delicate balance of nature and a celebration of culture. Throughout my career in Australia, my professional commitments have intermingled with my educational pursuits, allowing me to attend numerous courses that have deepened my understanding of wine. From vine to bottle, every step of a wine’s journey fascinated me and it was not long before I yearned to use my knowledge in a business of my own.

Thus, VineIsrael was born – a platform that reflects my passion for wine and my involvement in the wine industry. My fascination with Israeli wines, particularly their unique flavors, diverse grape varieties and rich historical significance, led me to develop VineIsrael. Our mission is to shine a spotlight on Israel’s burgeoning wine scene, provide a comprehensive, curated list of Israeli wineries, and bridge the gap between wine lovers worldwide and the phenomenal winemakers of Israel.

With VineIsrael, I bring together my love of wine, my experience in the industry and my admiration for Israeli wineries to bring you the distinctive and captivating world of Israeli wines. I invite you to discover, learn and, above all, enjoy the delicious journey that VineIsrael offers.